...............,S@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@; bringing white lilies @@@@@@@@@@@@@@,..............
..............,S@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@; to an auntie’s birthday lunch @@@@@@@@@@,.............
.............,S@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@; sitting down before your parents do @@@@@@@,.............
............?@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@: when did you last visit them? over @@@@@@@@*.............
............;@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@#; a month ago? can’t read the menu so @@@@@@@@#,............
............S@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@: ask them to order for you in a whisper S@@@@+............
...........;@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@; how to deflect praise from auntie with S@@@S............
...........*@@@@@@@@@@@@@ the vocabulary of a ten-year-old? inadequacy #@@@@@;............
...........%@@@@@@@@@@@@@ is filling half a bucket of water a generation @@@@@............
..........:@@@@@@@@@@@@@@; of strawberries soft and plump lying flat in @@@@@@+...........
..........+@@@@@@@@@@@@ a lukewarm bath eating so much that everyone stares @@,...........
..........*@@@@@@@@@@@@ you’re *?S#@###S%??*;: surprisingly +***???** quiet @@;...........
..........%@@@@@@@@@@@ aren’t +SSS*;::;+**?S#@@@@% you used +S###S%%*;+%S::.@+............
..........%@@@@@@@@@@? to be such a ,,,:;;, boisterous child! living alone @@#,...........
..........*@#@@@@@@@@ in a :**?%S##@@#SS?*;::::, flat in ,;*????++;: your #@@?............
..........,;:;S@@@@@@: 30s ,+.%@@@@#S@@@#;+#@#?;; adopting #@@@@#SS#@###,,,,?.............
.........,;:.*@@@@@#, a cat ,+?*+;;*%S*,,*S#S:;;:, instead S;%##?,,?S of a ,;.............
.........,:,.:%#@@@% child the sun at eight ;;::::, or nine o’clock in the ,;.............
...........,,.,;?+S@* evening on your wrist ,:::::. a yellowing pearl you .,..............
...........,,:;;:,+*: see, feeding your mind .,,,:: won’t keep you full ...,..............
............,;;:...,,, how will you feed your ,:::: parents when they grow ,..............
.............,::,..,,, old? who will feed you ::::, when you’re old? uncle ,..............
.............,,,,,,,,. wants to know if you ,,, agree with his rabid views ,..............
.............,,,,,,,,. on state control but ,:::,,;*;,.. woman being loud .,..............
................,,,,;:only brings trouble ,::,?#%;:..,%#+. you know? not ,...............
..................,;#% fighting for the bill ,:::,.,...,,, because you’re ,...............
..................,+@? broke and unemployed / self - employed / a pair of ,...............
....................#@% thin socks and toe-holes in well-broken-in shoes .,...............
.....................?% the grit of not thriving ,,::,,,, just surviving ,................
......................#% in a puddle a branch ;+****++++:;;:, of willow ,.................
.......................?%+ leaves sunken by +%S%**++**++;::++ the tide ,..................
..........................., crying at a bus stop as you board a full ,...................
............................, bus ink on your face can’t be erased ,......................
..............................., with tears the black and bitter ,........................
................................, spill of your parents’ faces ,..........................
.................................., also lost / dissolve into ,...........................
......................................, a sordid afternoon ,..............................